Agricultural valorization of carbonized rice husk and sawdust in maize production on degraded ferralsol in Central-West of Côte d'Ivoire
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Despite its agricultural potential, Côte d'Ivoire is still dependent on cereal imports, particularly corn, rice and millet. As a result, the country has suffered from fluctuating food prices for decades. This production shortfall is linked to natural factors, including declining soil fertility. Indeed, soils are rapidly degraded by poor farming practices. This study was initiated in central-western Côte d'Ivoire to make a significant contribution to improving soil and maize productivity by reclaiming sandy soils with low levels of physical and chemical fertility. To achieve this, a sandy soil (81% S) was amended with eight combinations of carbonized rice husk, carbonized sawdust and chicken droppings. These treatments were placed in a completely randomized design with three replicates against two controls. The physico-chemical properties of the soil were analyzed. Plant height, diameter, 1000-grain mass, number of grains per ear, grain mass and yield were evaluated. The results showed an improvement in soil texture, and higher levels of nitrogen, phosphorus and exchangeable bases. Yields were also higher in Cycle 2 across the whole plot. The BF75 treatment (75% sawdust and 25% carbonized rice husk) made it possible to restore the soil's natural moisture content.
In view of these results, soil amendment with combinations of rice husks and carbonized sawdust can help restore the fertility of certain degraded soils, thereby improving their productivity. This agricultural use of agro-industrial residues can also make an effective contribution to improving the living conditions of local populations, as well as increasing the availability of food and vegetables.
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